special events
invsys 1.0 short descriptive text of setup at arosa2000 gallery, frankfurt/main.
invsys 2.2 short descriptive text of setup for radio xmix radio show, screenshots of software interface.
invsys 2.4 short descriptive text of setup at volksbildungsheim frankfurt, schematic view, instruction sheet.
invsys 2.5 invitation text of radiovisionen symposium at radio x, interview (long, german) from radio patapoe with karl kliem, images of system setup.
invsys 2.6 video stills from skyrock tv-show, interview (long, german) with sebastian oschatz, images of computer generated backdrop, version history.


support series
pfauenblau installation by stephan truschel.
hain installation by christoph blum. short text and images.
schleifen support for the group exhibition "Schleifen", curated by Hubert Salden. short text, invitation flyer by involving systems, schematic layout.
federn installation by stephan truschel.
keyholes installation by marc behrens. link to his website.


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contact invsys at info@involvingsystems.com . fax ++49 69 25495450 . phone ++49 69 25495410