invsys 2.2, arosair radio x-mix, fm107.05, frankfurt, 25.05.96, 01.00 - 02.00.

The all-time-favourite classic "amen" jungle loop was cut into fragments which were put automatically in a random sequence by a digital system. Additional breaks in the resulting junglesque track were generated by applying sequenced effect algorithms at random points. Listeners to the programme were able to dial in via phone and were sampled as they made any sounds on the telephone line.
All sounds were stored in a second digital system and were accessible by a member of involving systems using different basic playback options. (cut, pitch, reverse, echo). The resulting sounds were coloured in by carefully chosen samples from the involving systems record collections.
Two radio commercials from the mid-eighties, which disrupted the program at two predefined times served as a refreshing break and as an easily rememberable catch-phrase.

amen sample random sequence generator patch .
text with remove button.
segment of aiff file.
moderator patch.

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